Curriculum Vitae



Dr. Malaga has over 20 years of experience in the information systems field as a consultant, entrepreneur, and educator.  He is regarded as a leading expert in the areas of search engine optimization (SEO), equity crowdfunding, online teaching, and e-commerce.  Dr. Malaga has published extensively in peer reviewed journals, presented at the top conferences, and has written a textbook.  He has a broad experience in curriculum development and teaching in hybrid and online formats.  He is often called upon to provide consulting services, expert witness testimony and media interviews.




1998                Ph.D. in Information Systems, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA

1994                MS in Information Systems Technology, George Washington University, Washington, DC

1989                B.A. in Political Science, American University, Washington, DC




09/12 – Present          Professor of Management Information Systems & Entrepreneurship

09/05 – 09/12              Associate Professor of Management Information Systems

                                       Feliciano School of Business, Montclair State University


  • Faculty Lead – Online MBA Program (2015 – Present)
    • Part of team that developed the overall curriculum and delivery model
    • Piloted the development and delivery of the first course
    • Responsible for reviewing all courses prior to delivery
    • Primary liaison between the faculty and instructional design team
    • Part of the team that wrote and evaluated the RFP for an OPM partner
  • Academic Director for the Feliciano Center for Entrepreneurship (2012 – present)
    • Responsible for the development of the entrepreneurship concentration (Fall 2018)
    • Responsible for the development of the entrepreneurship minor (Fall 2016)
    • Oversee the continuous improvement of all entrepreneurship courses
    • Part of team that developed and delivered Innovation Academy training to external clients
    • Involved with course and faculty scheduling
  • Department Chair – Information and Operations Management Dept. (2012 – 2013)
    • Revised undergraduate MIS curriculum
    • Expanded the advisory board
  • Member of MBA revision team
  • TechLaunch (technology accelerator mentor)


Courses Developed and Taught

  • E-commerce (undergraduate and MBA) – developed and taught online
  • Management Information Systems (undergraduate and MBA) – developed and taught in traditional and hybrid formats
  • Web Development (undergraduate) – developed and taught online
  • Managing Emerging Technologies (MBA) – developed and taught in traditional format
  • Business Lessons from Steve Jobs (MBA) – developed and taught in traditional format
  • Project Management (undergraduate and MBA) – developed and taught online and hybrid
  • Entrepreneurial Mindset (undergraduate and MBA) – lead developer and taught in traditional format
  • Startup Business Model (undergraduate and MBA) – lead developer and taught in traditional and hybrid formats
  • Pitch and Launch Your Startup (undergraduate and MBA) – lead developer and taught in traditional and hybrid formats
  • Solving Wicked Business Problems (MBA) – developed and taught in traditional format


04/09 – Present          Expert Witness Services


  • Provide expert witness services in the areas of e-commerce, search engine optimization, and pay-per-click advertising in the following cases:
    • Margae, Inc.v Clear Link Technologies, Inc. – expert witness report and litigation support for the defendant
    • Vcom International Multimedia Corp. v Brian Robert Gluck – expert witness report, litigation support, and deposition for the plaintiff
    • Rick Woods v Google – litigation support for the plaintiff


01/96 – Present          President, RAM Enterprises,  Randolph, NJ


  • Provide Web development, search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) marketing (AdWords, Bing, Facebook), and social media marketing to SMEs and Fortune 500 companies
  • Build and run various Websites and online retail companies





  1. Mamonov, S., Malaga, R. (2018). Success factors in Title III equity crowdfunding in the United States. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 27 (Jan. – Feb. 2018, pp. 65-73.
  2. Mamonov, S., Malaga, R., & Rosenblum, J (2017). An Exploratory Analysis of Title II Equity Crowdfunding Success. Venture Capital, 19(3), pp. 269-256.
  3. Zhang, Y., Malaga, R., Nunez, E. (2017). StartupValley: Platform Strategy in Equity Crowdfunding. Ivey Cases, case 9B17M039 and teaching note 8B17M039.
  4. R. (2016). Digital Micro Entrepreneurship a Preliminary Analysis – Case Studies from the Gig Economy. Journal of Business and Economics, 7(9), pp. 1469-76.
  5. R. (2015). Using Nuisance Telephone Denial of Service to Combat Online Sex Trafficking. Open Journal of Information Systems, 2(1), 1-8.
  6. Malaga, R. (2014). Do Web Privacy Policies Still Matter? Academy of Information and Management Sciences Journal, 17(1).
  7. Malaga, R. (2012). Responding To State Sales Tax Laws For Online Retailers – A Case Study Of Amazon Taxes And The States. Journal of Applied Business Research, 28(6), 1229-1236.
  8. Malaga, R., Subramanian, R. (2010). Classy Delicates: A Case Study. Journal of Business Case Studies, 6(5).
  9. Malaga, R., Montano, B., Porter, D., Ord, K. (2010). A New Approach to End-of-Auction Models to Curb Sniping. Journal of the Operations Research Society, 61(8), 1265-1272(8).
  10. Malaga, R. (2010). Choosing a Wiki Platform for Student Projects – Lessons Learned. Contemporary Issues in Education Research, 3(2), 49-54.
  11. Malaga, R., Subramanian, R. (2009). Peter and Elaine Moss – Franchisees. Journal of Business Case Studies, 5(5), 99-106.
  12. Malaga, R. (2009). Web 2.0 Techniques for Search Engine Optimization – Two case studies. Review of Business Research, 9(1), 132-139.
  13. Stewart, K., Malaga, R. (2009). Contrast and Assimilation Effects on Consumers’ Trust. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 13(3), 71-94.
  14. Malaga, R. (2009). Taxing E-Commerce Affiliates –The Potential Impact of New York State’s “Amazon Tax”. Journal of Applied Business Research, 25(4), 31-35.
  15. Malaga, R. (2008). A classification method for reputation mechanisms in electronic markets. Review of Business Research, 8(1), 21-32.
  16. Malaga, R. (2008). Worst Practices in Search Engine Optimization ” An overview of Black Hat techniques. Communications of the ACM, 51(12), 147-150.
  17. Malaga, R. (2007). The New Marketing Intermediaries – A multiple case study of three new E-business models. Journal of Academy of Business and Economics, 7(3), 158-164.
  18. Malaga, R. (2007). The Value of Search Engine Optimization ” An action research project at a new e-commerce site. Journal of E-commerce in Organizations, 5(3), 69-83.
  19. Montano, B., Malaga, R. (2002). A weighted sum genetic algorithm to support multiple party, multiple objective negotiations. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computing, 6(4), 1-13.
  20. Malaga, R. (2002). Additional methods when using email for teaching. Communications of the ACM, 45(8), 25-27.
  21. Malaga, R. (2001). Consumer costs in electronic commerce: an empirical examination of electronic versus traditional markets. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 11(1), 47-58.
  22. Malaga, R., Malaga, S. (2001). The tax reporting requirements and policies of Web-based knowledge networks. Quarterly Journal of Electronic Commerce, 1(4), 279-287.
  23. Malaga, R., Montano, B. (2001). Toward Web-based knowledge marts. Quarterly Journal of Electronic Commerce, 2(3), 253-262.
  24. Malaga, R. (2001). Web-based reputation management systems: problems and suggested solutions. Electronic Commerce Research(1), 403-417.
  25. Malaga, R. (2000). The effect of stimulus modes and associative distance in individual creativity support systems. Decision Support Systems, 29(2), 125-141.




  1. Mamonov, S., Malaga, R. (2017). Success Factors in Title II Equity Crowdfunding in the United States. Boston, MA: AMCIS 2017. Refereed
  2. Malaga, R.A., Mamonov, S., & Rosenblum, J. (2017). Gender Differences in Equity Crowdfunding: An exploratory Analysis. Philadelphia, PA: United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE). Referred
  3. Mamonov, S., Malaga, R. A., & Rosenblum, J. (2017). An Exploratory Analysis of Title II Crowdfunding Success. In Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Referred
  4. Zhang, Y., Malaga, R., Nunez, E. (2016). Racing to the Top – A Case on Competition and Strategy in Crowd Equity Platforms. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference of the Society for Global Business & Economic Development.
  5. Malaga, R. (2016). Digital Micro Entrepreneurship a Preliminary Analysis – Case studies from the gig economy. United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USABE). Referred
  6. Zhang, Y., Malaga, R., Nunez, E. (2015). Daryl Bryant and his StartupValley – A Case on Crowd Equity Platforms. United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE). Referred
  7. Malaga, R., Koppel, N. (2012). Choosing a Video Format for Online Teaching. Philadelphia, PA: Eastern Academy of Management Conference. Refereed
  8. Allyn, M., Malaga, R., Misra, R. (2011). Using E-Commerce to Teach Entrepreneurship in a Classroom – A Case Study (vol. 2, pp. 87-93). Mumbai: Indian Insitute of Technology Mumbai. Refereed
  9. Allyn, M., Misra, R., Malaga, R. (2010). Wikipedia: Issues and Analysis of its Slowing Growth (vol. 2010, pp. 5). Oakdale, Long Island, New York: Northeast Business and Economics Association. Refereed
  10. Malaga, R. (2009). Choosing a Wiki Platform for Student Projects – Lessons Learned. Las Vegas, NV: Clute College Teaching and Learning Conference.
  11. Malaga, R., Peterson, R., Shifrina, F. (2009). Institutional and Administrative Impediments to Developing an Online MBA Program – A Case Study. Orlando, FL: International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines. Refereed
  12. Malaga, R., Peterson, R., Shifrina, F. (2008). Institutional and Administrative Impediments to Developing an Online MBA Program – A Case Study. Atlantic City, NJ: American Institute of Higher Education. Refereed
  13. Malaga, R. (2008). Peter and Elaine Moss – Franchisees. Baltimore, MD: Decision Sciences Institute Conference. Refereed
  14. Malaga, R. (2008). Student Perceptions of Wiki Use for Group Projects. Las Vegas, NV: Proceedings of the International Academy of Business and Economics Conference 2008. Refereed
  15. Malaga, R. (2008). Taxing E-Commerce Affiliates –The Potential Impact Of New York State’s “Amazon Tax”. Las Vegas, NV: Proceedings of the International Academy of Business and Economics Conference 2008. Refereed
  16. Malaga, R., Subramanian, R. (2008). Classy Delicates. Washington, DC: Eastern Academy of Management Conference. Refereed
  17. Malaga, R. (2008). Using Wikis for Student Collaboration – A case study. Orlando, FL: International Academy of Business and Public Administration Conference. Refereed
  18. Malaga, R. (2007). The New Marketing Intermediaries – A multiple case study of three new E-business models. Las Vegas, NV: International Academy of Business and Economics Conference. Refereed
  19. Malaga, R. (2006). The Retaliatory Feedback Problem – Evidence from eBay and a proposed solution. Washington, DC: Information Resources Management Association Conference 2006. Refereed
  20. Malaga, R. (2006). The Value of Search Engine Optimization – A case study of a new e-commerce Web site. Washington, DC: Information Resources Management Association Conference 2006. Refereed
  21. Montano, B., Porter, D., Malaga, R., Ord, K. (2005). Enhanced Reputation Scoring for Online Auctions. Las Vegas, NV: International Conference on Information Systems. Refereed
  22. Montano, B., Malaga, R. (2003). Incentives: Getting People to Participate in Web Based Knowledge Networks. Philadelphia, PA,: Information Resources Management Association International Conference.
  23. Malaga, R., Stewart, K. (2003). Links are Everywhere: Effects of Web-based Groupings on Trust Transfer. International Conference on Information Systems.
  24. Malaga, R., Montano, B. (2000). A co-evolutionary approach to strategy design for decision makers in complex negotiation situations (pp. 908-918). Maui, HI: 33rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences.
  25. Malaga, R., Foley, P., Khoo, L., Jayawardhena, C. (2000). Internet and electronic commerce use: a three country comparison (pp. 26). Memphis, TN: First Annual Global Information Technology World Conference.
  26. Malaga, R., Wertz, N. (2000). The use of Reputation Mechanisms in Electronic Commerce: An Empirical Investigation. Americas Conference on Information Systems. Refereed
  27. Malaga, R. (2000). Using A Course Web Site to Enhance Traditional Lecture Style Courses: A Case Study and Approach for Site Development (pp. 293-306). Hershey, PA: Web-Based Learning & Teaching Technologies: Opportunities and Challenges.




Malaga, R. “Information Systems Technology”, Prentice-Hall, 2004




  1. Malaga, R. (2010). Search Engine Optimization – Black and White Hat Approaches (vol. 78, pp. Chapter 1). Advances in Computers.
  2. Malaga, R. (2008). The Retaliatory Feedback Problem – Evidence from eBay and a proposed solution. Hersey, PA: Information Systems Research: Public and Private Sector Applications.
  3. Malaga, R. (2008). The Value of Search Engine Optimization – An action research project at a new e-commerce site (pp. 1115-1129). Hersey, PA: Electronic Commerce: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications.
  4. Malaga, R. “Using A Course Web Site to Enhance Traditional Lecture Style Courses: A Case Study and Approach for Site Development”, Web-Based Learning & Teaching Technologies: Opportunities and Challenges, K. Aggarwal, Editor, Hershey, PA, 2000, p. 293-306.




  • Research Field Insights: Understanding Vocabulary and Search Patterns Used by “Johns” in Human Trafficking – with Nicole Bryan and Sasha Poucki, March 6, 2013, Rutgers University
  • The Value of Search Engine Optimization – An action research project at a new e-commerce Web site, November 5, 2006 at New Jersey Institute of Technology
  • A Classification Method for Web-based Knower Organizations, November 30, 2001, at Georgetown University
  • Computers and Creativity: Developing systems that enhance human creativity, March 30, 1999, at the Human Computer Interaction Lab, University of Maryland, College Park




  • Microsoft Research (with Nicole Bryan) “Understanding the Mindset, Vocabulary and Search patterns used by ‘johns’ when using Networked Technologies in Procuring Victims of Sex Trafficking” – $110,000
  • Montclair State University Grant Proposal Development Grant – $3,000
  • Smith Technology Initiative “Using ERP and CRM software in the classroom” – $8,000
  • Smith Technology Initiative, w/ Galit Shmueli “Instructional Innovation and Enhancement with Technology – The Use of “Clickers” in the Classroom: A pilot project”
  • Microsoft – Software grant for Great Plains ERP
  • com – License for 10 user professional edition




Professional Service

  • Associate Editor for Information Resources Management Journal
  • Editorial review board for the Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations
  • Editorial review board for the International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning
  • Reviewer for Transactions on the Web
  • Reviewer for the International Journal of Electronic Commerce
  • Reviewer for the International Journal of Electronic Business
  • Reviewer for the Journal of End User Computing
  • Reviewer for the Journal of Electronic Commerce Research
  • Reviewer for Information Technology and Management
  • Reviewer for the International Journal of Human Computer Interaction
  • Reviewer for The DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems
  • Reviewer for Information Resource Management Association Conference (1999 and 2000)
  • Placement chair for ICIS 2004
  • Program committee member for IRMA 2003 & 2004
  • Session Chair – Creativity in Information Systems Track, 32nd Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science
  • Co-Mini-Track Chair (with B. Massetti) – Creativity in Information Systems Track, 33rd Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science



Institutional Service

  • Chair of the Dean Search Committee (2014)
  • Served on the Learning Management Systems task force
  • Served on Provost’s Task Force on Online Teaching
  • Chair of departmental curriculum committee
  • Served on MBA curriculum revision committee
  • Served on departmental search committee
  • Administrator for departmental Microsoft Academic Alliance program
  • Co – advisor to the Information Systems Society (Smith School of Business)
  • Served as a member of the teaching enhancement committee
  • Developed, taught, and served as advisor for executive electronic commerce certificate at Freddie Mac
  • Partially responsible for the development of the UMBC Flexible Master’s (Web-based) degree
  • Served on the advisory board for the Institute for Global Electronic Commerce




01/01 – 09/05            Teaching Professor of Management Information Systems

                                    Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland


Courses Taught

  • Introduction to Programming (undergraduate)
  • Strategic Information Systems (MBA)
  • Electronic Commerce (MBA)
  • Introduction to Management Information Systems (undergraduate)
  • Corporate Transformation Through Information Technology (MBA)


08/98 – 01/01            Assistant Professor of Information Systems

                                    University of Maryland, Baltimore County


Courses Taught

  • Seminar in Electronic Commerce (graduate) – developed and taught traditional and online
  • Structured Systems Analysis and Design (undergraduate)
  • Decision Support Systems (graduate)


01/97 – 8/98              Visiting Instructor of Management Information Systems

                                    School of Management, George Mason University


01/96 – 8/98                Instructor of Information Systems and Software Engineering

School of Information Technology and Engineering, George Mason University


Courses Taught

  • Seminar in Electronic Commerce (undergraduate) – developed and taught traditional and online
  • Introduction to Database Management (undergraduate)
  • Computer Systems for Management (undergraduate and MBA)
  • Computer Systems Analysis and Design (undergraduate)
  • Computer Architecture and Operating Systems (undergraduate and graduate)


11/93 – 1/97                Senior Information Engineer

                                    Anteon Corporation, Fairfax VA


  • Served as project manager on various government smart card projects.
  • Served as technical advisor to Department of Defense cardiologists.
  • Provided systems analysis and design consulting
  • Facilitated business process reengineering efforts
  • Developed Websites for Department of Defense programs